Across: Movement of one leg in front of the other.
Applejack: Step the designated foot back, step the other foot beside the first (on &), step the designated foot forward. [A coaster may be done forward, in which case it is called a "forward coaster".
Balance: A step in any direction followed by a close step and a hold. (Mostly used in waltzes)
Boogie Walk: To move the free leg by lifting the hip and stepping forward. To track your feet straight while your knees are folding from side to side.
Brush: A brush uses the ball of foot to brush the floor as the foot swings forward or back.
Bump: To isolate upper part of the body, flexing the knees, and pushing the hip to either side in any direction.
Camel Walk: Step designated foot forward or back. Slide other foot together. Step designated foot forward or back. (May be done to the diagonal)
Coaster(L): Step left forward, Step right together with left, step left back. Three steps, usually syncopated.
Cha Cha: Three steps in place, done to two beats of the music. )Similiar to a shuffle, however it is done on the spot. Technically a cha-cha involves a Cuban hip movement whilst a shuffle is smooth, but generally a cha-cha is stationary whilst a shuffle travels]
Charleston: Step forward left, kick forward right, step back right, point the left toe back.
Chassé: A 3 step pattern. Step to the side on first beat, bring other foot together to meet that one, then step side again on next count. Side, together, side. Can be right or left. aka side shuffle.
Chug: A ahug is a movement with the weight on the ball of one foot while using the opposite foot to push off and complete a turn without moving the weighted foot.
Cross: The free foot crosses in front of or behind the opposite foot.
Cross Samba: See Samba
Diagonal: 45 degrees out from the center of the line of dance (direction).
Dip: A slight bend of the support knee to a sitting position with the free leg extended forward. (Also called a Corté)
Dorothy Step: Step lead foot forward to the diagonal, lock other foot behind lead foot, step lead foot forward to the diagonal (on &).
Drag or Slide: To draw one foot next to the supporting foot.
Duck Walk: With knees bent, step lead foot diagonally forward and swivel heel of opposite foot to opposite side.
Flick: Sharp, quick kick backwards with a pointed toe and a flexed knee.
Foot Positions: 1st position - feet together. 2nd position - feet apart. 3rd position - heel of one foot to the instep of the other foot. 4th position - one foot passing the other either forward or backward. 5th position - toe of one foot to the heel of the other.
Heel Grind: Rock forward on designated heel arcing toe out to side. Return weight back onto other foot.
Heel Jack: Step foot to side (a little bit back). Touch the other heel diagonally forward. Step beside first foot. Touch/step/cross lead foot.
Hinge Turn: On ball of the lead foot turn 180 degree in the opposite direction, stepping the other foot to the sid.
Hitch: To lift the knee.
Hold: To do no movement for a set number of beats.
The free foot moves as a pendulum in front or back of the weighted foot and is kept off the floor.
Hop: A spring into the air from one foot and landing on the same foot.
Hip Roll: The movement of the hips in a circular action either clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Hip Bumps: Step lead foot forward or back & bump hips in the same direction. Continue bumping hips as specified.
Jazz Box(R): (1)Step forward with right, cross left over right, step back on right, step side L.
(2) Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side, step left forward.
(2) Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side, step left forward.
Kick Ball Change: Kick lead foot forward, step ball of lead foot back to place, step other foot in place.
Kick Ball Cross: Kick lead foot forward, step ball of lead foot back to place, cross other foot in front of lead foot.
Knee Pops: Lift both heels off the floor by bending the knees. Return the heels to the floor.
Leap: A transfer of weight from one foot to the other by pushing off with a spring into the air & landing on the ball of the other foot, the heel dropping to absord the shock.
Lock: The designated foot crossed closely in front or behind the other foot.
Lunge: Transferring of weight to a bent leg with free leg extended. Can be forward, diagonal or side
Mambo: Step forward on right, lift left and replace it back down on the same place, step right back next to left.
Mash Potatos: A syncopated pattern travelling backwards: stepping back (often crossing behind the other foot) with the heel turned slightly in and then the quick swiveling of the heel on the weighted foot out, then repeating on the other foot. Eg: Step right foot back with heel turned slightly to the left (on &). Swivel right heel to the right (on 1). Step left foot back with heel turned slightly to the right (on &). Swivel left heel to the left (on 2). [A variation follows &1&2 with a repeat of &1 (ie: &3), then with feet in place, swivel both heels in (on &), out (on 4).
Monterey: Unless specified a Monterey turn is always a 1/2 turn. It may be 1/4, 3/4 or full.
Monterey 1/2 R- reverse directions for a left: Touch toes of right foot to the right side, keeping weight on the left foot (count 1). Turn 1/2 turn right and step right foot next to left taking the weight onto right foot (count 2). Touch left toes to left side (count 3). Step left foot beside right with weight on the left foot (count 4).
Monterey 1/2 R- reverse directions for a left: Touch toes of right foot to the right side, keeping weight on the left foot (count 1). Turn 1/2 turn right and step right foot next to left taking the weight onto right foot (count 2). Touch left toes to left side (count 3). Step left foot beside right with weight on the left foot (count 4).
Over: Crossing one foot over the other.
Paddle: A turn either left or right, using a series of ball changes with the weight staying over the turning foot.
Pencil Turn: With lead foot slightly forward, turn in direction of lead foot while either dragging toes of opposite foot just behind heel of lead foot while turning or holding the toes of the opposite foot just off the ground. turn ends with toes of opposite foot touching beside instep of lead foot. (Turn can be any angle, even greater than a full turn. Usually completed within one beat, but sometimes done over two or more beats)
Pirouette: A complete turn on one foot, typically with the raised foot touching the knee of the supporting leg.
Pivot: Unless specified a pivot turn is always a 1/2 turn. Step the nominated foot forward foot then turn 180° on the balls of both feet in the opposite direction of the forward foot and return weight to original foot.
Point: Point the toe in the designated direction.
Polka: see Shuffle
Posé: From one foot to the other with a straight knee onto the flat foot, demi-pointe, or pointe.
Recover: Return the weight to the original supporting weighted foot.
Restart: When part of the dance on one or more of the walls in order to keep the phrasing of the dance in sync with that of the music.
Rock: To transfer weight from one foot to the other without changing position. This is done with the knees slightly bent.
Rocking Chair (R): Rock/step forward on left. Rock back onto right. Rock/step back on left. Rock forward onto right.
Rolling Turn:
A 3/4 to Full turn while progressing in any given direction, usually requiring 3 to 4 steps.
Rondé: The unweighted leg moves from one leg position to another in a circular movement with a straight knee. The extended foot never reaches a height higher than the knee.
Samba: Cross lead foot over other foot. Rock the other foot to the side. Step lead foot together.
Sailor: Step right back behind left, step left to left side, step right next to left.
Scissor Step:
A 3-beat crossing maneuver initiated with a side step and completed with a crossover step.Ex: (1) Step to the right on Right foot. (2) Step Left foot next to Right. (3) Cross Right foot over Left and step.
Scoot: Slide/hop the weighted foot forward, backward or sideways whilst the other foot is hitched.
Scuff: Move the specified foot by gently sliding the ball of the foot across the floor.
Shimmy: Alternating shoulder movements forward and backward.
Shorty George: While performing the shorty George keep your knees close together and step forward in a straight narrow line stepping down on the balls of your feet. Keeping your feet forward and your knees are folding from side to side. Avoid rotating your hips.
Shuffle: Three steps in any direction done to two beats of the music. Step the designated foot in the designated direction, step the other foot beside the first (on the & count) and then step the first foot in the same direction again.
Skate: Slide nominated foot forward at 45°, slide other foot together. A skate may also be only the first slide.
Slap: Use the hand to slap the opposite of foot or knee.
Slide: Moving an unweighted foot in any direction keeping foot in contact with the floor.
Spin: A 360 degree turn on one foot.
Spiral: Step lead foot forward, make a full pivot turn in the opposite direction ending with the weight on the lead foot and the other leg crossed over (in front).
Step: Place foot on floor and take weight onto it.
Stomp: Stomp the foot on the floor to make a loud sound. Weight usually remains on the other foot.
Sugar Foot: Touch lead toe to instep of other foot. Touch heel of lead foot to instep of other foot.
Sweep: To arc pointed toe out and around from front to back or back to front. Can sometime be executed with a turn.
Swivel: A movement of heels or toes while weight is on opposite part of foot.
Left Swivel: Taking weight onto left heel and right toe swivel both toes to left. Return feet to centre.
Left Swivel: Taking weight onto left heel and right toe swivel both toes to left. Return feet to centre.
Switch: Return one foot together with a hop while at the same time putting the opposite foot out.
Syncopated: 3 steps forwards, backwards, sideways or on the spot, executed within 2 beats of the music.
Tag or Bridge: It used to describe a break from standard phrasing throughout a piece of music and an additional sequence of steps to a dance to compensate for this.
Tap or Touch: Touch toe or heel to ground but don’t put any weight on it.
Toe Fan: Toe swings outward, pivoting on heel, and back.
Toe Strut: Step toe in nominated direction, drop heel to the floor. May be done in any direction or crossing over the other foot.
Together: To bring the one foot next to the other, with weight change.
Triple Step: see Shuffle.
Twinkle: Cross lead foot over opposite foot, step opposite foot slightly to the side, step lead foot beside opposite.
Twist: With weight on balls of feet, heels move freely in given direction.
Unwind: Cross the lead foot in front of the other foot. With weight the other foot make a 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 "unwind" turn.
Vaudeville (L): Step diagonally back left on left. Cross right over left. Step diagonally back left on left & turn body diagonally to the right. Touch right heel diagonally forward to the right.
Vine: Four steps done in any one direction. Eg: step nominated foot to the side, cross the other foot behind, step nominated foot to the side, step other foot together. Note that this is the basic vine - in many cases (at any level) a vine may have the 4th step replaced with a touch, scuff or hitch. Vines also often incorporate full or partial turns.
Waltz Basic: Step the nominated foot forward or back, step the other foot together, step the nominated foot in place.
Weave(R): Step left foot across in front of right, step right to right side, step left foot back behind right, step right foot to right side. Alernating crossing behind and in front......
Weight: The foot you're standing on.